Deep Equal


Back in JS101: Equality I wrote about the difference between == and ===. This is one area of the language that quite clearly causes issues for beginners. In addition, there is another equality concept that can come in handy when writing tests: deep equal. It also illustrates some of the underlying mechanics of the language. As an intermediate JavaScript developer, you should have at least a passing familiarity with deepEqual and how it works.

Unit Testing/1.0

Deep equality is defined in CommonJS Unit Testing/1.0, under subsection 7. The algorithm assumes two arguments: expected and actual. The purpose of the algorithm is to determine if the values are equivalent. It supports both primitive values and objects.

  1. Strict equals (===) means the values are equivalent
  2. Compare dates using the getTime method
  3. If values are not objects, compare with ==
  4. Otherwise, compare each object's size, keys, and values

The fourth point is probably what you would assume deep equality actually means. The other stages reveal things about the way JavaScript works -- the third stage means values that are not objects can easily be compared with == because they're primitive values (Undefined, Null, Boolean, Number, or String).

The second step works because getTime is the most convenient way of comparing dates:

var assert = require('assert')
  , a = new Date(2012, 1, 1)
  , b = new Date(2012, 1, 1)

assert.ok(a !== b);
assert.ok(a != b);
assert.ok(a.getTime() == b.getTime());
assert.deepEqual(a, b);

This script can be run in Node, or with a suitable CommonJS assertion library. It illustrates the point that dates are not considered equal using the equality or strict equality operators -- the easiest way to compare them is with getTime.

Object comparison implies recursion), as some values may also be objects. Also, key comparison isn't as simple as it might seem: real implementations sort keys, compare length, then compare each value.


Bugs have been found in the Unit Testing/1.0 specification since it originally appeared. Two have been flagged up on the main Unit Testing page. The Node assert module addresses these points. For example, regular expressions are a special case in the deepEqual implementation:

return actual.source === expected.source && === &&
       actual.multiline === expected.multiline &&
       actual.lastIndex === expected.lastIndex &&
       actual.ignoreCase === expected.ignoreCase;

The source property has a string that represents the original regular expression, and then each flag has to be compared.

Object Comparison

The next time you're writing a test, or even just comparing objects, remember that == will only work for "shallow" comparisons. Testing other values like arrays, dates, regular expressions, and objects requires a little bit more effort.

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